Afghanistan’s stability is an international challenge and may have consequences for the future of China’s BRI, particularly for the CPEC.
Afghanistan:The heart of the New Silk Road strategy?

Afghanistan’s stability is an international challenge and may have consequences for the future of China’s BRI, particularly for the CPEC.
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan agreed to resume the Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad and increase connectivity from Eastern Mediterranean Sea to South Asia.
At Climate Ambition Summit 2020, Prime Minister Imran Khan gave priority to renewable energies over coal-fired power plants. CPEC is getting greener!
To promote Gwadar and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Europe, OBOReurope and Cooperans have just launched
What does the future Iran-China agreement mean for the CPEC? Can Iran, Pakistan and China cooperate on this development programme?
In the current crisis context, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a priority for Islamabad. With CPEC projects, Pakistan will secure development.
China and Pakistan are inviting foreign and European companies to invest in CPEC Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and develop activities in many sectors.
Pakistan has just set geographical indications for some local products.These indications will make the “Pakistan brand” stronger along the BRI.
On February 13 and 14, 2020, Turkish President Erdogan conducted a state visit to Pakistan and stated that Turkey was ready to join the CPEC.
Cooperans and the Diplomatic Insight Group have just signed a new partnership to promote the Belt and Road Initiative in the EU and Pakistan.